Tell Maryland Lawmakers to Reject the Removal of Caps on Non-Economic Damages
Send a Letter TodayNon-economic damages are injuries that cannot be quantified and are commonly referred to as “pain and suffering.” These are different from economic damages, which can be quantified and documented with information like a medical bill or lost wages.
A non-economic damage cap was first enacted in Maryland in 1986 and set at $350,000. This cap has been adjusted over the years and increases automatically at a rate of $15,000 per year. It is currently set at $950,000 and automatically increases next year.
The Maryland Legislature is once again considering a bill that would remove caps on non-economic damages and increase legal fees and insurance costs for Maryland businesses and consumers at a time when they can least afford it.
When some legislators tried to remove Maryland’s cap on non-economic damages in 2024, an analysis conducted by an independent actuarial firm found that it could have increased personal auto liability by as much as 19%, and commercial auto liability by as much as 30%.
Removing the current caps that are in place could contribute to increased legal system abuse and attract more attorneys who encourage their clients to hold out for beneficial jackpot verdicts. However, many clients do not know that the lawyers, not the clients, in these cases often receive a significant portion of the financial reward.
As lawmakers are considering this harmful bill (HB 113/SB 584), we need Maryland consumers like you to use your voice and urge the legislature to reject the removal of the cap on non-economic damages.
We Need Your Voice!
Send a letter today and urge the Maryland Legislature to vote NO on the removal of caps on non-economic damages.